Flannel Flowers Fine Art Print

Flannel Flowers Fine Art Print


Fine art print of original painting.

Large charred trees covered in green shoots surround you on either side. The bush is quiet and serene, making it difficult to imagine what happened here even though the evidence is all around you. A sea of white emerges on the path, velvety flannel flowers, blooming amidst the backdrop of burnt wood and bright green. The flowers surround you, in unbelievable amounts, towering toward the sky without leaves or plants blocking the sun from them. They are a story of hope, of life afterwards and today they are flourishing. Relive the moment with our archival Flannel Flowers giclee print.

This print has stamina! Genuine museum grade fine art archival print made to enjoy for a lifetime. Printed in Australia by professional printers using non-toxic archival inks from an original painting on acid free cotton fibre rag, 308 gsm. Each print individually signed.

Our Bushwalking Collection showcases vignettes from a much greater story, an epic tale of resilience, hope and life. Step into the bush yourself and become part of that story amidst the symphony of nature unfolding all around you in dappled light, scents of eucalyptus wafting through fresh air. We bushwalked all over eastern NSW for inspiration and let what remains after the fires inspire us as a story of hope. This is our love letter to the bush and the creatures within.

5% from our Bushwalking Collection is donated to Birdlife Australia | Explore the full Bushwalking Collection

6x8” / 152mm x 203mm
Printed in Australia on museum grade fine art archival print using non-toxic archival inks on acid free cotton fibre rag, 308 gsm. Each print individually signed and unframed. Shipped flat in study packaging for transport.

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