Your Purchases, Our Donations

Whaleshark Wall Hanging - Hand-painted Art Gift by Outer Island

Thanks to you, we’ve just donated $502.64 across three incredible Australian organizations working hard to protect and preserve Australia’s oceans, birds and plants. They are the Australian Marine Conservation Society, BirdLife Australia and Foundation and Friends of the Botanic Gardens.

Read more about our partnerships here.

It’s a strange thing to be a small business that makes all its products in Australia using only natural or recyclable materials. We spend our effort, money and resources getting products made here and sourcing our materials from local vendors. We even have a lifecycle analysis of our ornaments on our website if you’re interested here.

It’s strange because we’re in steep competition. Do you know what greenwashing is? It means when a company spends more money marketing themselves on being environmentally friendly or responsible than on actually minimizing their impact in this world. Think about the saturation of this plus the ubiquity of social enterprises out there. They say one thing, but they do another. It’s so confusing as a consumer because it all begins to blend, all the messaging, all the greenwashing, all the noise.

Because we make products based on Australian plants, animals and habitats, we always think about all those Australiana products made overseas, especially souvenirs or gifts. It seems antagonistic to be promoting Australia, but not supporting the local manufacturers or minimizing your carbon footprint which helps the very animals featured on the products.

Just know you matter. You, as a consumer matter. Every time you buy something you vote with your wallet and it matters — for cleaner air, for local jobs, for a better world. Everything is connected, everything is linked. There is power in choosing and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing us.

Buying local is beautiful and enriches the soil and soul of a marketplace we all want to change. You buying something from us supports Australian vendors which supports the local economy and reduces our products carbon footprints. Plus our donations to these three organizations come directly from your purchases. We feel proud of the small part we play in creating products that celebrate Australia that are made in Australia and that help support organizations working hard to preserve and protect Australia.

Basically, we think you guys are great <3

Stephanie + Amy

Stephanie Chambers