Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos

Last week we spent a morning in Centennial Park (here in Sydney) that I can’t stop thinking about. For most of this year, our free time hasn’t aligned with sunny days in a way that made it possible for us to really go birding, but last week the stars aligned and we spent a morning with the birds.

This time of year, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos are common in Centennial Park eating every last pine cone before they move out during breeding season, and the best strategy to find them is to use your ears instead of your eyes. Even among unique birds their call is distinctive, a loud, mournful wailing often by birds in flight.


On this visit to Centennial Park we were greeted by a large flock eating, playing and flying. The sun was shining and they were having a grand old time. Undisturbed by our presence, we sat and watched them soar and swoop, chasing each other and moving from tree to tree eating. These majestic birds let us observe their morning and we were completely mesmerized. Time had no meaning as their dynamic presence forced us to be present. Look away and we might miss something. It filled our hearts up in a way we’ve been missing a lot this year due to the weather.

After visiting the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, we did a loop of the park and visited the Powerful Owl, perched with its latest meal, a Flying Fox in a gruesome display. Welcome Swallows flew all around us, swooping low to the ground while the calls of Corellas and Kookaburras sounded in the distance. A visit to the pond produced a Black Swan with her cignets and a quintuplet of Australasian Grebes diving and splashing in the water.


The morning was more than a serene and beautiful moment, though - it was a powerful reminder that wildlife isn’t reserved for outside of urban areas. Right here in Sydney, a major international city, the wildlife is very much an important part of it. There’s so much happening just outside our door, from bushland to tidal pools to our local parks. The integration of wildlife in Sydney never ceases to amaze us and interacting with our local creatures brings us so much joy.

That’s why we’re basing several of our new Christmas ornaments (coming out in July) on these magical encounters. These designs were directly inspired by moments right here in Sydney with creatures big and small. Our new Christmas Collection launches on Christmas in July, but if you’d like to see some behind the scenes images or hear stories of design inspiration make sure to sign up to our newsletter. Plus you’ll get a very special offer when the collection launches.

Until then, thanks for reading and we know that wherever you live in Australia (or the world), magical encounters of your own with nature await you each day to cherish.

Stephanie + Amy

Stephanie Chambers